
Friday, 31 May 2013

Getting the best out of collecting used stamps

It’s a sad fact of life that, for many, the art of writing and sending letters is dying out. More often than not, the majority of the items coming through the letter box are merely bills, flyers and junk mail. These days, a handwritten letter is very rare. Although there is the temptation to discard envelopes and stamps without a thought, you could be losing out on a world of possibilities. Here’s why you should be more careful:

Stamp collecting pays

Regardless of whether the stamps have been marked or not, there is always a use for old stamps. For instance, did you know that they can be donated to charity? The typical price a charity can expect to receive for used stamps is roughly £4.50 for a kilogram of British stamps or up to £15 for foreign postal markers. If all of the UK’s stamps were recycled like this charities could raise thousands of pounds every year.

Gem among stones

Stamps can be an extremely valuable asset, with rare specimens fetching millions and being highly sought after. And although the chances of receiving a letter with a rare, expensive stamp are very slim, receiving ceremonial stamps or foreign ones can help develop your stamp portfolio. Starting up your collection is very easy – simply start keeping the stamps you are sent and try to find ones with a similar theme or are particularly unusual – you never know how much they could be worth one day!

Removing stamps

One of the biggest issues of stamp collecting is removing the stamp from the envelope without damaging it. But if you have a more expensive stamp, you could leave it on its letter, which often makes it more expensive. However, if you do want to take it off, simply soak it carefully in water. But be sure to check that they haven’t been manufactured to run when wet to prevent illegal reuse. Once you’ve soaked the stamps off you will need to place them face down on a paper towel and store them in a dry place – taking care to place them between the pages of a large book to flatten them out if they have curled.

Finding stamps online
If you’re looking to invest in stamps then you may want to look at buying or trading stamps online. There are many philately communities on the internet that specialise in various aspects of stamps, from the collection of rarities to historical studies and even the tracking of the stamps journey. You are not alone in your quest to find a great selection of stamps and many online shops, traders and forums can help you build up your collection. One of the best online points of contact is Scotia Philately, who provide excellent advice in building up a stamp portfolio, offer valuations on your used stamps and have an extensive online store featuring rare stamps and letters. To find out more about building up your stamp collection visit Scotia Philately online today.

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